How to Get Help with Your Law Essays from a Law Tutor

2025-01-03 16:41:59

Finding the right law tutor to support you throughout your degree is not an easy task, though the benefits of working with the right person are definitely worth it. From proofreading your law essays to helping you select the right materials for exam revisions, a good law tutor should be able to support you in many ways. But what sort of help exactly should you expect to get from your LLB tutor? If you've been asking yourself this question for a while, below I have provided a few tips that will hopefully help you solve the problem!

Tip 1: Make sure they offer actual support

​The first thing to watch out for when you’re trying to find a law tutor to help you with your legal assignments is to make sure that they offer actual support with your essays, as opposed to offering to write the essays for you. You might come across people who will call themselves tutors, but who will actually offer to write your essays for you rather than teaching you how to do it yourself.

Now, I know you’re not the type of student who would want to get their essays written for them - you wouldn't be hanging out here if that was the case. But you still have to watch out for those types of tutors who are a bit shady. If you decide to work with someone like that – even for the purpose of them proofreading your essays rather than writing them for you – the risk is that they will not give you enough good quality feedback for you to improve throughout your law degree, because they will want to make sure that you keep purchasing services from them throughout your degree.

The role of a law tutor should be to work with you on several assignments, ideally at the beginning of your law degree, and point out the mistakes that you commonly make so that you can improve your essay writing style and eventually start getting firsts in your law essays without anyone’s help. But people who from the beginning offer to write your assignments for you will not have a different agenda, so you shouldn't let them waste your time.

Tip 2: Request detailed and thorough feedback

​If I could give you one piece of advice about finding the right law tutor, I would advise you to look for somebody who offers to give you very detailed and thorough feedback on your law essays. If you have written your assignment in full, submitted it to your law tutor and they have only given you a few comments here and there, perhaps about the grammar and spelling mistakes you have made, you should consider working with someone else.

The person you are looking for is somebody who will point out whether or not your argument is strong overall, and in what areas it should be improved. Your tutor’s comments should, for example, highlight any areas where your discussion of cases was not detailed enough or where you have misunderstood a particular section of a statute. They should also explain to you in their comments whether or not you have included the right resources in your assignment, whether you have used those resources in the right way to support your central argument, and whether you should have included more resources.

The final thing that your tutor should be able to comment on is your writing style. They should highlight any areas where you have written something incorrectly, where the grammar is not up to scratch and where there are things that just sound a little bit awkward in the legal context. If your law tutor is not able to provide you with this type of thorough feedback, then you should really consider finding someone more qualified.

Tip 3: Ask for training materials

Lastly, your law tutor should have some sort of training materials available, so you can get better at writing your essays before you submit them for proofreading. This could be in the form of online courses, such as the First Class Law Essay Writing Course I created. The materials could also be in the form of an e-book, short lectures, lecture slides or just short written materials.

The reason why your tutor should be able to provide you with some training materials is that just getting your essays proofread will not be enough for you to increase your ability to write first class law essays. Proofreading can offer you detailed feedback that points out the mistakes you are doing in each assignment.

But there are just certain things about law essay writing that need to be explained at the start in order for you to write your essays correctly (as much as possible) prior to submitting them for proofreading. So, if your tutor is not able to provide you with any study materials on essay writing, you should probably start looking for someone who has a more professional approach to their work.