Want to Get a in LAW ? Former Lecturer Reveals Top Law Study Secrets

Join over 7,000 students who improved their grades

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    Essays Generated

  • 500k+

    Fewer Study Hours

  • 1k+

    Proofread Essays

Join students from those universities and get a first in law


  • 6 hrs

    Less​ studying per week

  • 70%

    In more than half of assignments

  • 92%

    More chance for ​a first class degree

Student Testimonials

Coming across 1st Class LLB was the best thing that happened to me during my law degree. I’m in my 2rd year now and I wish I had found out about Karolina’s resources earlier. Thanks to Karolina I’m on a very good track to getting a 1st in my law degree.

I’m a first year law student and Karolina’s courses, revision notes and essay generator were just what I needed! When I started my LLB degree I didn’t know what I was doing, and now I just got a 1st for the first time in my law essay.

Karolina is an excellent law tutor and I’m so happy that I could study her courses and use her revision guides. Now that Karolina has started proofreading my law essays I feel way more relaxed about submitting them, and my LLB grades started going up too!

About Me

As an online law tutor and a former Senior LLB Lecturer I have helped over 7,000 law students improve their grades through online courses, revision notes, essay proofreading and the Essay Generator. The vast majority of my students improve their grades and start getting a first consistently in their law assignments and exams within one academic term.