How Hard is Law School Really

2024-09-17 10:32:15

How difficult is it to study law? This is a question you might be asking yourself not only before starting your degree, but also during the course of your law education. Now, you might think that law school is extremely difficult and may question your abilities, thinking about whether you should continue with your LLB law degree or not. But the truth is that passing law school isn't that difficult. In fact, even getting a first class degree in law isn't that big of a challenge as it is made out to be – as long as you follow an organised plan and implement smart studying techniques. So once again, how hard is law school? Not that hard. Let me prove it to you. Below are a few myths about law school that make law students think that law school is difficult.

Myth 1: Writing law essays is hard and you can never get a first

One of the key challenges to getting a law degree involves writing law essays. If you believe the myth, you might think that writing law essays is some sort of impossible task and that you can never get a first in your assignments. The real reason why many students believe this is because law schools typically don't provide enough support or training to students when it comes to writing law essays. Writing, regardless of the type, is a skill in itself and needs to be taught. Unfortunately, law lecturers are often too busy to teach their students how to write law essays. It’s this knowledge gap that makes students believe that law school is hard.

That being said, there is a wide variety of online resources available that teach you how to write first class law essays. You can explore these resources and learn the key components of writing a first class law essay. This will give you a competitive edge over other students in your class, because you will be far more prepared to write comprehensive and well-structured law essays that can get you a first. So, while law school isn't exactly a walk in the park, if you know how to plan and where to get the right information, you can do very well in law school – as long as you are willing to put in the effort!

Myth 2: You need to study EVERYTHING​ for your exams

Another myth that circulates around law schools is that you need to study at least 6 to 7 hours a day, apart from taking your law classes, to pass your law exams. This couldn't be further from the truth. Now, you do need to study and put in quite a bit of effort, but getting a law degree really doesn’t require giving up on your social life or compromising your health. Getting an LLB degree involves a lot of reading, definitely more so than high school, but instead of getting all of your knowledge from textbooks you can use simplified revision notes and guides to develop a better understanding of each subject prior to your exams.

These guides don’t use the legal jargon typically used in textbooks which makes reading and understanding the material very difficult. When you have to reread phrases and sentences multiple times and have to look up technical legal vocabulary every 2 minutes, that makes it quite challenging to get a comprehensive understanding of every topic. But if you use simplified revision notes and guides, you will notice right away that they are far easier to read and understand. They allow you to grasp every topic and subject quickly. Using revision notes and guides like that will definitely make you admit that law school is not that hard.

Myth 3: There’s no support for law students out there

When starting out in law school, you can get overwhelmed pretty quickly. You feel like you've been thrown into deep waters and there's no one coming to save you. From the get-go, there is a lot of information and study material that you need to take in and it makes you question whether you are cut out for an LLB degree. And when you are required to write your first law assignment on a tight deadline, the question 'how difficult is law school?' creeps once again into your head. However, the reality is that all of it seems difficult because you don't know how to structure your essay and where to find the right information.

It is unfortunate that law lecturers have very little time to guide students through the process when they are just starting out. However, there are professional online tools for essay writing out there that can definitely help you with your writing assignments. The real struggle with law essays is getting started and knowing where to begin. There is always a struggle about how many headings, cases, statutes and journal articles the essay should have. Using an online law essay writing tool such as the 1st Class Law Essay Generator can be of massive help here. Working with tools like that can really make you stand out as a law student, by allowing you to write well-structured and well-argued law essays.

Final word

So, how difficult is law school really? Well, you could say that it’s as difficult as any other university degree. The issue is that there are a lot of myths surrounding law schools, and the descriptive and technical nature of the study causes students to question their ability to pass law exams. However, writing law essays and exams is only difficult because you don't know how to do it. The LLB degree isn't difficult in itself, it only seems that way because you don't know how to plan your studies, organise your schedule, prepare your essay plans etc. You can overcome all of those challenges by using a number of resources available for law students online. If you can make the most of these resources, you'll soon find out that law school isn't what it's made out to be. In fact, it could be quite enjoyable - especially if you have a keen interest in law.​